

  • 璇︾粏浠嬬粛

low voltage switch cabinet

姒傝堪 general

鏂板瀷浣庡帇鎶藉嚭寮忓紑鍏虫煖閫傜敤浜庝笁鐩镐氦娴侀鐜囦负50hz锛岄瀹氬伐浣滅數鍘嬩负400v ( 690v)锛岄瀹氱數娴佷负4000a鍙婁互涓嬬殑鍙戙€佷緵鐢电郴缁熶腑锛屼綔涓哄姩鍔涖€侀厤鐢靛拰鐢靛姩鏈洪泦涓帶鍒躲€佺數瀹硅ˉ鍋夸箣鐢ㄣ€傚箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鍙戠數鍘傘€佺煶娌广€佸寲宸ャ€佸喍閲戙€佺汉缁囥€侀珮灞傚缓绛戠瓑鍦烘墍锛屾湰浜у搧绗﹀悎iec60439-1銆丟b7251.1銆?jb/t9661 绛夋爣鍑嗐€傚彲瀹炵幇鎴栨浛浠ns銆丟cs銆丟ck鏌滃瀷鐨勬墍鏈夋柟妗堬紝鐢ㄦ埛鍙牴鎹渶瑕侀€夐厤缁勫悎锛屾槸鐩墠琛屼笟涓粠鐢熶骇鍒板簲鐢ㄩ兘鏈夐噸澶у垱鏂扮殑浣庡帇鎶藉嚭寮忔柊鍨嬫煖浣撱€?/span>

new-type low-voltage withdrawable switchgear is applicable for the power generation and supply system with three-phase ac frequency of 50hz,rated working voltage of 400v (690v) and rated current of 4000a (or below) for power, distribution, motor control and capacitance compensation. it is widely used in power station, petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, textile, and high-rise buildings, and meets the iec60439-1, gb7251.1 and jb/t966 1 standards. the switchgear can realize or replace all schemes of mns, gcs and gck switchgears, being new low-voltage withdrawable switchgear in the industry with significant production and application innovation, which can be selected and combined as per the customer demands.

缁撴瀯璇存槑  structure description


2銆佹柊鍨嬪皬鍨嬫墜鎷夊紡鎺ㄨ繘鏈烘瀯搴旂敤浜?/2銆?/4 鎶藉眽鍗曞厓锛屽叿鏈変笁浣嶇疆閿佸畾銆佹樉绀恒€佸悎闂歌仈閿佷綅缃緟鍔╃數婧愬姛鑳斤紝寮€鍏冲啀鎵e浣嶅姛鑳?



1. new-type hand -operated push mechanism (manual and electrical operation) in the way of multi-circle effort- saving push can be used in unitdrawer to realize the relaxed, flexible and smooth push and remove of drawer. three-position switch is equipped with the function of mechanical positioning and display, as well as position voice prompt. the three-and four-pole drawer pushing 630a is relaxed and flexible; closing interlocking has the function of re-trip resetting with advanced pushing and interlocking technology.

2. new-type tiny manual pushing mechanism applies 1/2 and 1/4 drawer unit with the functions of three-position locking, display, closing interlocking position assistance, and switch re-trip resetting.

3. new-type pushing interlocking mechanism can display separation, test and connection position, and synchronize electrical terminal and position.

4. vertical channel: it can select half function board and iron rectangular channel to facilitate exchange.

涓昏鐗圭偣  main features






6銆佹娊灞夊垎涓?/4 鍗曞厓鎶藉眽銆?/2 鍗曞厓鎶藉眽鍜屽叏瀹藉害鎶藉眽锛堟娊灞夐珮搴? 6e 8e 12e 16e 24e锛孍=25mm锛夛紝鎵€鏈夐浂閮ㄤ欢閲囩敤妯″叿涓€娆℃垚鍨嬶紝鐪熸瀹炵幇鍚岃鏍兼娊灞?00%浜掓崲銆?/span>

7銆佷华琛ㄦ澘閲囩敤寮€鍚紡绌哄績缁撴瀯锛屾柟渚垮厓鍣ㄤ欢瀹夎銆佹帴绾垮強妫€娴嬶紝鍏冨櫒浠跺畨瑁呯┖闂村澶э紝鑳芥弧瓒?6mm x 96mm澶栧舰鐨勬暟鏄捐〃瀹夎锛岃繕鍙互瀹夎鍏跺畠鐏挳绛夊厓浠讹紝绌哄績澶勭敤閽㈡澘鍒朵綔锛屾柟渚垮埗閫犲紑瀛?


1. frame is in combined structure with the main frame made of c-steel;

2. each switchgear is divided into three compartments, namely horizontal bus compartment, drawer compartment and cable compartment. compartments are divided by steel plate or high-stress flame-resistance plastic board, and the upper and lower drawers are divided by metal plates with vent holes to effectively prevent arcing caused by fault of switch element or the accident caused by short circuit of bus and other lines;

3. compact design: contain many function units with small space;

4. the structural components have the characteristics of strong commonality and high flexibility for assembly; taking e=25mm as module, the structural and withdrawable units can be combined randomly to meet system design requirements;

5. the drawer adopts the process of double-fold locating slot riveting by rivet which avoids the rag caused by plat or hand damage caused by selftapping screw.

6. drawers are divided into 1/4, 1/2 and overall-width drawer (height: 6e, 8e, 12e, 16e, 24e, e=25mm). all the components are produced by mould at a time to realize the 100% exchange of drawers in the same specification.

7. instrument panel is in the open hollow structure to facilitate element installation, wiring and detection. the installation space of element is enlargedto enable the installation of data display instrument (96mm x 96mm), and can also install other elements such as lamp knob. hollow places are provided with steel plate to facilitate hole opening.

8. switchgear protection grade is ip4x;



