甯哥啛mdmax st 浣庡帇寮€鍏虫煖

甯哥啛mdmax st 浣庡帇寮€鍏虫煖-pg娱乐电子游戏平台

  • 璇︾粏浠嬬粛

mdmax st

low voltage switch cabinet

姒傝堪 general

mdmax fc鏄敱abb鍏徃璁捐骞剁粡杩囧畬鍏ㄥ瀷寮忚瘯楠岋紙绠€绉癟ta锛夌殑缁勫悎寮忓鍔熻兘浣庡帇鏌滀綋锛屼骇鍝佺鍚圙b725.1.1-2005鍜孖ec60439-1绛夌浉鍏虫爣鍑嗭紝鍙箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鐢靛瓙宸ヤ笟銆佸伐鐭夸紒涓氥€佺儫鑽変笟銆佸競鏀胯鏂姐€佸晢涓氬缓绛戙€侀珮绔皯鐢ㄤ綇瀹呯瓑棰嗗煙銆?/span>

mdmax fc is combined multi-function low-voltage switchgear designed by abb company and passed complete typetest (tta). the product meets gb7251.1-2005, iec60439- 1 and relevant standards and can be widely used in areas such as electronic industry, industrial and mining enterprises, tobacco industry, municipal facilities, commercial building and high-end civil residence.

缁撴瀯璇存槑  structure description





1. comprehensiveness: it adopts abb whole series low-voltage electrical components, including; megamax and emax air circuit breaker, isomax and tmax plastic circuit breaker, a- series contactor, and ta thermal relay and soft starter, composing complete and reliable low-voltage power distribution system.

2. reliability: it is designed and tested as per international standard;

3. modularization: it is composed of standardized prefabricated components, which can be manufactured rapidly and modified easily and can save costs.

4. intellectualization: elements containing advanced protection and communication functions can be integrated in the equipment to protect power distribution and motor.

涓昏鐗圭偣  main features


2銆丮dmax st鐨勬鏋堕噰鐢ㄨ嚜鎵块噸妗嗘灦缁撴瀯锛岀敱鍙屾姌杈圭殑g鍨嬫潗缁勮鑰屾垚锛岄鏋朵笂浠?5mm涓洪棿闅旀帓甯冩ā鏁板瓟锛?a href='http://sdcxdq.mycn86.cn/' target='_blank' class='key_tag'>楂樹綆鍘嬪紑鍏虫煖鍘傚鏌滄灦瑁呴厤渚垮埄鑰屽張寮傚父鍧氬浐銆傛暣涓鏋剁敱妯悜鍜岀旱鍚戣灪鏍撶簿纭仈鎺ワ紝妗嗘灦缁撴瀯鍏嶇淮鎶ゃ€傞鏋躲€侀殧鏉裤€佸畨瑁呮澘鍧囬噰鐢ㄦ暦閾濋攲鏉垮埗鎴愩€?/span>


4銆佹娊灞夊紡鍒嗕负1/4鍗曞厓鎶藉眽銆?/2 鍗曞厓鎶藉眽鍜屽叏瀹藉害鎶藉眽(鎶藉眽楂樺害: 1u 1.5u 2u 3u, u=200mm ),鍚岃鏍兼娊灞夊彲瀹屽叏浜掓崲銆?/span>



1. switchgear is divided into four parts: bus compartment, functional unit compartment, cable compartment, and horizontal connection area of secondary control line. based on the requirement of conventional security system, independent door panels are installed for compartments and interval spaces for debugging and maintenance.

2. frame of mdmax st is in self- bearing structure composed of double-folded g-materials. modular holes with interval of 25mm are distributed on the frame to facilitate frame assembly and ensure soundness. the whole frame is precisely linked by horizontal and vertical bolts to free from maintenance. frame, baffle plate and installation plate are all made of aluminum zinc plates.

3. switch elements can be installed in fixed, drawer, movable and inserted modes, and can be matched freely as demands.

4. drawers are divided into 1/4, 1/2 and overall-width drawer (height: 1u, 1.5u, 2u, 3u, u=200mm), and drawer of the same specification can be exchanged completely;

5. drawer is composed of fixed parts and movable parts (connector assembly). after pushing fixed components of drawer into unit compartment of switchgear, one can close the door of unit compartment and insert rocker to convert of drawer's movable parts between positions of separation, test and connection. the indication window with led could display the position of connector assembly.

6. switchgear protection grade is ip40;



