寮犲娓疭ivacon 8pt 浣庡帇寮€鍏虫煖

寮犲娓疭ivacon 8pt 浣庡帇寮€鍏虫煖-pg娱乐电子游戏平台

  • 璇︾粏浠嬬粛

sivacon 8pt

low voltage switch cabinet

姒傝堪 general

sivacon 8pt浣庡帇寮€鍏虫煖鏄缓绛戝拰宸ヤ笟棰嗗煙涓爣鍑嗙殑瑙e喅鏂规銆傞拡瀵瑰叏鐞冨競鍦虹殑涓嶅悓闇€姹傦紝鏃㈣€冭檻浜嗘€绘壙鍖呭伐绋嬩腑鏍囧噯鍖栫殑鍚勯」瑕佹眰锛屽張鍏奸【鍒版湰鍦板寲鐢熶骇缁欐姇璧勫拰鐢熶骇杩愯甯︽潵鐨勬晥鐩娿€係ivacon 8pt鏄潰鍚戜笘鐣屽悇鍦版帹骞跨殑閰嶇數璁惧锛屽畠鍙簲鐢ㄥ湪鏈€澶ч瀹氱數娴佽嚦7400a鐨勫悇绉嶅閲忕瓑绾х殑灞傞潰涓婏紝閲囩敤浜嗗浐瀹氬紡銆佸彲绉诲紡鍜屾娊鍑哄紡绛変笉鍚岀殑妯″潡璁捐銆傚箍娉涘簲鐢ㄤ簬鍙戠數鍘傘€佺煶娌广€佸寲宸ャ€佸喍閲戙€佺汉缁囥€侀珮灞傚缓绛戠瓑鍦烘墍銆?/span>

as the standard solution of engineering and industrial areas, sivacon 8pt low-voltage switchgear, aiming at different market demands in the world, not only meets standardization requirements in main constructing projects, but also benefits investment and run of localization production. sivacon 8pt is a distribution equipment popularized worldwide, and can be applied to various capacity levels with maximum rated current being 7400a. it adopts fixed, mobile, withdrawable and other kinds of module design, and is widely used in power station, petroleum, chemical engineering, metallurgy, textile, and high-rise buildings.

缁撴瀯璇存槑  structure description





1. modularization: the equipment is composed of standard and modular module. all the modules all meet design index of siemens and can be combined flexibly to meet different requirements. excellent components manufactured by siemens are used to ensure the long-term reliable operation of the equipment.

2. reliability: the equipment is designed and tested as per international standard (tta) with 3-and 4-pole horizontal bus system and maximum rated current of 7400a;

3. rationalization: components can be enclosed in component compartment randomly, regardless the depth dimension of horizontal bus system and switchgear.

4. intellectualization: elements containing advanced protection and communication functions can be integrated in the equipment to protect power distribution and motor.

涓昏鐗圭偣  main features

1銆丼ivacon 8pt鐨勬鏋堕噰鐢?.5mm鍘氬害鐨勬暦閾濋攲鏉垮埗鎴愶紝楠ㄦ灦涓婁互25mm涓洪棿闅旀帓甯冩ā鏁板瓟锛岀敤浜庝笉鍚岀敤閫旂殑鎵╁睍銆?/span>




5銆佹娊灞夊崟鍏冮噰鐢?绉嶆ā鏁伴珮搴︾殑鏍囧噯鍖栬璁? 100銆?50銆?200銆?300銆?400銆?500銆?600銆?700mm )锛屽悓瑙勬牸鎶藉眽瀹屽叏浜掓崲锛涙墍鏈夋娊灞夊潎鍏锋湁闃茶鎿嶄綔鍔熻兘锛屽苟涓旀娊灞夋墍澶勪綅缃叿鏈夋竻鏅版槑纭殑鎸囩ず銆?/span>



1. frame of sivacon 8pt is made of 2.5mm thick aluminum zinc plate, and modular holes with interval of 25mm are distributed on the frame for extension.

2. flexible switchgear door (with maximum open angle of 180掳) is adopted to meet different requirements, and the afliated spiral spring lock could protect the door panel against opening due to negligence or accident.

3. pressure-relief device is equipped on the top of switchgear to prevent accidental injury caused by electrical fault.

4. bus compartment is separated from device compartment with internal separation reaching 3b.

5. eight kinds (100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700mm) of standardized design are adopted for the drawer units, and drawer of the same specification can be exchanged completely; all the drawers are provided with anti-misoperation function and their locationsare clearly marked.

6, the drawer, with maximum 40 secondary plugs, can add communication bus plug as needed.

6. switchgear protection grade is ip30-ip54.



