

  • 璇︾粏浠嬬粛

low voltage switch cabinet

姒傝堪 general

ggd浣庡帇鍥哄畾寮忓紑鍏虫煖閫傜敤浜庡彂鐢靛巶銆佸彉鐢电珯銆佸伐鐭夸紒涓氱瓑鐢靛姏鐢ㄦ埛浣滀负浜ゆ祦50hz棰濆畾宸ヤ綔鐢靛帇380v锛岄瀹氬伐浣滅數娴?150a鐨勯厤鐢电郴缁熶腑锛屼綔涓哄姩鍔涖€佺収鏄庡強閰嶇數璁惧鐨勭數鑳借浆鎹€佸垎閰嶄笌鎺у埗涔嬬敤銆備骇鍝佸叿鏈夊垎鏂兘鍔涢珮锛屽姩鐑ǔ瀹氭€уソ锛岄€傜敤鎬ц兘寮虹瓑鐗圭偣銆備骇鍝佺鍚圙b7251.1銆丟bt/23359銆丣b/t9661 绛夌浉鍏虫爣鍑嗐€?/span>

ggd low-voltage fixed switchgear is applicable for power station, transformer substation and industrial and mining enterprises with distribution system of 50hz ac, 380v rated working voltage, 3150a rated working current for electrical energy conversion, distribution and control of power, ilumination and distribution equipment. the product has high breaking capacity, sound dynamic- thermal stability and strong applicability. the product meets gb7251.1, gbt/23359, jb/t9661 and relevant standards.

缁撴瀯璇存槑  structure description

鏌滄灦鐢ㄦ柊鍨?mf鍐峰集鍨嬮挗鏉愭嫾瑁呰€屾垚锛屽叾鍒氭€у強鎵胯浇鑳藉姏鍧囪揪鍒扮數鍣ㄥ厓浠剁殑瀹夎瑕佹眰锛?a href='http://sdcxdq.mycn86.cn/' target='_blank' class='key_tag'>楂樹綆鍘嬪紑鍏虫煖鍘傚妗嗘灦涓婂垎鍒湁鎸塃=20mm鍜孍= 100mm鏁版帓鍒楃殑瀹夎瀛旓紝浠ユ彁楂樹骇鍝佺殑瑁呴厤鐨勯€氱敤鎬с€備富姣嶇嚎鎺掑垪鍦ㄦ煖鐨勪笂閮紝閲囩敤鐨刏mj鍨嬫瘝绾垮す涓虹н鏈ㄥ紡缁勫悎缁撴瀯锛岀敤楂橀樆鐕働po鏉愭枡鐑敞鎴愬瀷锛屾満姊板己搴﹀拰缁濈紭搴﹂珮锛岃兘鎵垮彈鏈夋晥鍊?0ka锛屽嘲鍊?05ka鐢垫祦锛岀儹绋冲畾鍐插嚮鍔涢暱鏈熷厑璁告俯搴﹀彲杈?20c銆?/span>

the frame is assembled by new type 8mf cold-bend steel with rigidity and bearing capacity meeting installation requirement of electrical components. installation holes of e=20mm and e=100mm are provided on the frame toimprove the assembly and universality of products. main bus is arranged on the top of the switchgear adopting zmj-type bus clamp in the structure of block combination. it is molded by high flame-resistance ppo material through thermal injection with high mechanical strength and insulation degree, and can bear current with effective value of 50ka and peak value of 105ka. the long-term allowable temperature of thermal stability impact force can reach 120%鈩?

涓昏鐗圭偣  main features




1. the frame is in combined structure with the main frame made of new-type welding-free 8mf steel;

2. main frame can be processed by galvanized plate or aluminum zinc plate to be more environmentally friendly, time saving and efficient.

3. switchgear protection grade is ip3x;



